Saturday, 13 September 2008

Back to the Park


In Spring I posted photos of the park in Forres. Last month we went back to see how it looked in Summer. To save everyone having to click back and forth I'm putting both the old Spring and new Summer photos here for comparison. :-)

Forres is a finalist in the Town Section of Britain ib Bloom. Last year they won Silver Gilt (2nd), but this year they are after gold! Here's hoping they get it, because they certainly deserve it for love, effort and dedication.

This first photo below is a case in point - this is part of the garden done by volunteer children from the Forres area.

Back to Spring - the beaver in the "water"...

...and the same Beaver in Summer.

The butterfly in Spring...

...and in Summer.
Teddy bear with box in Spring...
...and in Summer.

Finally, a view across the sunken gardens and ponds towards Forres Town centre. Unfortunately the fountains weren't on, as they were fixing the pumps that day.


  1. You make me ache for a walk in a lovely park. So beautiful!

  2. WOW!!! It's a MAGNIFICENT place to be!!!! Here the flowers are already starting to die he he he...

  3. what fun! I love gardens that express whimsy and a sense of unpredictable excitement.

  4. Amazing! That's such a good idea. Spring and summer pictures are so different! We only have 1 season here.

  5. Glad to see everyone enjoyed seeing the before-after effect.

    I'll let you know what the voting results were, when they're announced. :-)

  6. Looks like a place to go for some peace and quiet.

  7. Oh my gosh, these are so cool, Michelle! I love it. What a wonderful park. I especially like the butterfly and the beaver. What fun! :D

  8. Wow, it's blooming beautiful!! :-))



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