Blog for Peace

Once upon a time...

A Blogging Queen had a revelation
decreed a Day of Peace throughout the Planet

I found her and joined the cause in 2008

The day was incredible - so many wonderful blog posts, songs and graphics.

It was such an amazing day, I was back again in 2009

and this time I made a video too!

By 2010 there were so many participants 
that the Queen was needing helpers...
and so the Peace Bees were created.
Peace Bee with You! 2010  

and the video...

In 2010, Blogblast for Peace also
reached Twitter and Facebook
2011  turned out to be a busy year. Many of us rose to Mimi's challenge to write 100 reasons for peace,
Mine became 100 thimblefuls that I moved to an entire blog of their own.
In 2011, Blogblast4Peace reached the stars (with a little help from NASA)
...and I went over the rainbow
 In 2012, I found my flame of inspiration 
in the somewhat "Steampunk" London Paralympic Ceremonies.
In 2013, I made a confession and introduced a friend to Blogblast for Peace.  

And I changed my template background to Mimi's dreamy, ocean sunrise, for a new dawn.
Dream.... Hope... Believe...  

And stood by my words to vote for Peace as well...
 2015 I found my voice in the Power of Love. 

And in 2016, I found my enlightenment in blue fire butterflies of peace.

2017 was a tough one... I had to find peace in personal loss.

  2018, my tenth anniversary.. I urged people to THINK for Peace

And in 2020, I had a vision and wrote a prayer...


In 2022 I looked at hard truths and used my own words to express them...

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