Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Some Adjustments

I seem to be out of words at the moment, so I took the time to do some moving and sorting on my blog. I've added two pages - one for my awards, which were starting to overflow, and one for info about my book, "First Light."

You can see the new page links on the top, just above the world clock. HOME takes you back to the basic blog. If anyone knows how to put seperate wallpapers up on each page... please let me know! I'd love to do that, but haven't a clue how.


  1. If you are looking to do separate wall papers on each page, you should Google blogger and wallpapers. Since blogger is linked with Google, you should get some really great resources.

    Sorry but that's all the help I can bring up. Props for the extra links, though! VARY NICE.

  2. Thanks derik! I'm busy working on it. :-)



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