Sunday, 20 July 2008

July Photo Challenge - Potted Rabbit

Once again Graham, of One Man's Travel Blog, has issued his monthly photo challenge. You can find the guidelines on his blog. Here is this month's theme:

... I am emotionally driven to choose "Food" as the photograph challenge theme for July. The interpretations are endless.... it could be a photograph of your favourite meal (if it is, then be sure to include the recipe in your post!), or it could be a photograph of a fruit/vegetable or even a favourite drink....

My Favourite Rabbit Recipe - Potted Rabbit.

1. Take one cheeky young pokey bunny and place in large herb pot.
2. Add a nibble of lemon thyme, two munches of barley and a generous scoffing of fresh chives.
3. Allow to bake in the warm midday sun until eyelids droop and the feeling is mellow.
4. Add zest for life and serve through a lounge window with a glass of wine.


For those following the ongoing story of Pokey Bunny...

The "model" in my photo is the little rabbit, who came into our garden a while back as a youngster the size of a furry teacup. He (or she) has since taken semi-permanent residence in our garden, but only very recently reached a large enough size to be able to hop into my herb planter. He has a definite fondness for eating, and sleeping upon, my chives! He also has a fondness for wild grasses and poppy heads .... dope bunny?

He also has a great and deep loathing for mud. Every time it rains he spends most of the day cleaning his feet... and shuddering at the revolting fact that his tongue is his wash cloth.

Here's another shot of Pokey Bun in the herb pot....



  1. Oh, that's just so sweet. For a brief moment there, I was thinking oh,no! They're going to cook the bunnies but you're just too sweet :-)

  2. How cute! A dear friend got up one morning to discover that her "pet" wild rabbit had come in to her herb garden and eaten all her mint. She simply could not be mad at it. In fact, she's rather fond of painting bunnies now as she's an artist.

    I adore your Potted Rabbit recipe, brilliant!

  3. J, Ting and Genie.... thank you!!! :-)

  4. very cute and creative. I like the story too.



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