Thursday, 3 July 2008

Lots to come

We've been away for a holiday break in England.

Good news - we all had a fantastic time.
Bad news - my dad and Sandy had sore throats and snuffles, my mom had a cough. I, having been the sick person two weeks back, was fine except for some allergy woes.

BUT we still had a great time and we took loads of photos that we're busy downloading and sorting out (two mobile phones that take photos and one digital camera).

I'll be back with the whole Crow family travel experience once I've managed to get all the photos together on my computer. :-)


  1. Oh dear...I guess lots of people are having the same problem. I've been coughing for a week now!!!

    And I'd love to introduce you to my friend Michelle. She's started her own blog and I've got a feeling that you two will get along well he he he he he...

    Here's her blog:

    Arctic Rainbow

    Glad to hear you've had a wonderful time together. GET WELL SOON for everybodyyyyyy!!!!!!

  2. Can't wait for the pics!

  3. be well and enjoy life... :)

  4. Did the Brits behave? I hope so! :)

  5. I hope every body is on their way to better health by now! Glad you had a great trip and can't wait to see the pix!



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