Thursday, 26 June 2008


Our new garden is turning out to be a rabbit play area, especially for baby bunnies. Last month we had , a very bold little guy who decided to live in the garden for a week or two.But this week a new bun totally overtook him in the cute category.

New Baby bunny is about the size of a pair of rolled up socks. First morning it was playing the game "chase the sparrow". I put out crumbs for the smaller birds and this tiny bunny was chasing the sparrow, with little leaps and sneezes of triumph every time it managed to make a sparrow move over a bit (the sparrow never actually flew off - not even he was afraid of a rabbit that small).The best adorable moment was when we were eating breakfast. I glanced over to the window and there by the patio doors is tiny Bun sitting on the top step! Then it comes right up to the glass, stands up, puts paws on base of door, presses fuzzy nose against glass... and watches US. Too cute for words! Talk about being a Pokey Bunny. :-D

Last night it was back pottering around the garden bench and stretching waaay up in order to nibble weeds about three inches tall.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to take photos through the glass, but I did find a picture of another baby bun that looks very similar in colouring, size and cheekiness. :-)



  1. Is the new garden a vegetable garden? If so, they are cute but man can they eat a lot, and it seems veggies are way tastier than the grass surrounding the garden. You'll need to put up a little fence!

    Leave a little space unfenced and sow green leaf lettuce if you want some happy return customers. They love that stuff! Sounds like weeds are pretty tasty too.

  2. Oh my gosh!! I don't think I've ever seen anything cuter!

  3. Uh-oh, your home will be overran by bunnies soon. A pair will give you 10 in a day. Better get the shot gun ready.

  4. CUTEST! Save the Bunnies! (no shotguns please) ;-)

  5. It's SO VERY CUTE!!! It IS hard to take a good pic of a wild animal he he he he he...

  6. "E'l naufragar m'รจ dolce in questo mare."...!?

    Ciao e un caro saluto!

  7. Okay, that's so cute it HURTS! We used to have some cotton tails in the yard but they disappeared. They were never very sociable and we didn't get to watch them like you are watching yours. I'm in love with your bunnies!

  8. entirely too cute! how lucky to have a bunny express his baby curiosity with a sight-seeing trip to check you out!



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