Friday, 13 June 2008

Song for the Weekend - Eurovision

Andy Abraham singing the British Eurovision 2008 entry "Even If"

Something warm and uplifting for the weekend - a true story of nice guy getting the break he deserved.

Andy Abraham (just your everyday guy/husband/dad) came second in the UK music talent show "The X Factor" a few years ago... and has never looked back! He has released three albums since then as well as being chosen to sing for Britain in the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest.

Keep flying, keep singing, Andy! You give the rest of us "ordinary dreamers" hope.


  1. LOVE his voice! ;-D HAPPY Father's Daaaayyyy!!!!!!

  2. Hi Amel

    :-) How are you? I haven't been making it to every blog every day lately. I must get to your blog and say a proper "hello"

  3. Rats! This connection is blocking the song.

  4. Hi Jeff

    Darn! I had trouble with the first song choice myself - this is the second Youtube embed I tried out. Annoying!



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