Monday, 27 August 2007

Another Nice Day..

Amel has chosen me for the "Nice Blogger Award". What a nice surprise, from a very nice person. :-)

The author of this award is Bella-Enchanted. In her blog she explains what the award is about:

"This award will be awarded to those that are just nice people, good blog friends and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others that are there to lend support or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!"

"nice"is a word that is both over-used and under-rated in the English language. This is what the dictionary has to say about "nice":

nice (nīs)

1. Pleasing and agreeable in nature: had a nice time.
2. Having a pleasant or attractive appearance: a nice face.
3. Exhibiting courtesy and politeness: a nice gesture.
4. Of good character and reputation; respectable.
5. Overdelicate or fastidious; fussy.
6. Showing sensitive discernment: a nice sense of style.
7. Done with delicacy and skill: a nice bit of craft.
8. Used as an intensive with and: nice and warm

I now have to pick seven bloggers I think are NICE. :-) I am going to use the dictionary's descriptions to pick the blogs I think fit each.. leaving out "fussy" #5! I'm adding a few new blogs in - to give some newly found nice folk a chance to get free advertising of their blogs. To do that I had to leave out a few nice old friends, but since they are all nice I know they'll understand. ;-)

1. Pleasing and agreeable in nature:
Has to be Epi, of Analysing it

2. Having a pleasant or attractive appearance:
Mercedes of Desert Candy Go look at her recipes! (drool)

3. Exhibiting courtesy and politeness:
Jeff, on The Present Truth

4. Of good character and reputation:
has to be Random

6. Showing sensitive discernment:
Betty of Howling in silence

7. Done with delicacy and skill:
Guyana Gyal, for her sublime stories.

8. Used as an intensive with "and" :
Blur - as in "nice and takes great photos". ;-)



  1. Hey, you made it FAR more interesting !!!! WONDERFUL! ;-D LOVE the way you elaborated the meaning! ;-D

  2. Thanks Michelle! I feel so honoured to be included in your list. And you explained it so nicely :-)

  3. Thank you so very much Michelle. I agree with Blur you explained it really nicely

  4. Very nice replies from three really nice ladies.

  5. My goodness! What a lovely description - very "nicely" done! :o) Thank you, Michelle!

  6. Yay, I found you in between the powercuts and trying to get work done!

    Thank you Michelle, you've brought back a good feeling to an over-used word. And you've cheered me tons, I've been feeling blue since last night. I like the way you've used the definitions of nice!



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