Saturday, 11 October 2008

Small Magic

A while back I was visiting Rima's blog when I saw some lovely artwork there by an artist named Victoria Usova. I went to take a look at her shop on Etsy... and fell in love. There were so many beautiful paintings, but it was a pendant that stole my heart. Hubby said, "You love it - get it." So... I did! :-)

It arrived today and I've worn it all day. The side that caught my attention first was this one - the summer sunshine side. How could I resist that adorable bug? It looks just how I see my chakras.

The oppopsite side is a nightime theme of flying horses and balloon travellers.

Thank you Victoria, I love it! And thank you for the extra surprise of the two postcards. They are wonderful. :-)



  1. thank you Michelle!
    knowing that someone is enjoying my Art is the best thank you an Artist can get.
    many wonderful wishes to you!

  2. I LOVE fun and funky jewelry. I'd rather have a pendant like this than a diamond around my neck any day!

    Congratulations on your new piece!

  3. What a clever and charming piece, Michelle. :D

    And how nice of a hubby who approves of anything that makes his sweetie happy. ;)

  4. It's beautiful and so whimsical. I love it too!

  5. Glad you found Vita at my place... I admire her work very much too :) The pendant is wonderful isn't it!



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