Saturday, 15 November 2008

Unusual Decoration

I took this photo at a local store this week. Can you see the most unusual Christmas decoration?

I'll give you a hint - it's alive and watching me. :-)

Here you go - a closer shot...

Mr Robin, on the edge of the silver bowl, comes in every afternoon for his snack of tearoom crumbs. We first saw him dashing about under tables, between chair legs and feet, but he was moving about too fast to photograph. I tried whistling like a bird and that worked. Robins are very cheeky and territorial. He wasn't ready to share his favourite shop with another bird and he came right up to where I was.

Isn't he just the cutest Christmas decoration you ever saw? :-)


  1. The robin didn't want to share its territory with another "cheeky bird" like you! ; )

  2. What a wonderful find! I think this is utterly delightful ;--)
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs and blessings,

  3. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW he's SO CUTE!!! I also saw the cute squirrel again today and I got out to take some pics!!! ;-D

  4. He is cute indeed! I have a feeling he might not stay where you put him on the Christmas tree if you tried to make an ornament out of him though! Fun post, Michelle. :D

  5. OH I see him! it was like playing I Spy with my kids:)))) great photos!

  6. That's so cute! We see birds here all the time in some of the really big stores, but I've never seen one set up shop in a smaller store. I'm delighted that no one has run him off. Good catch!

  7. Very cute indeed!

    Thanks for the link to Art Mystique, I love her work!



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