Saturday, 22 August 2009


Well... I'm home. :-) I actually was let out on Thursday. I'm stiff and a bit sore, otherwise doing well, but sitting at a computer is uncomfy and I'm having to only write or read for a short while at this stage. I'll be back to write more interesting things once I can sit here long enough do write properly. Since I can't bend and am not allowed to strain, stretch or pick up heavy things I'm pretty limited to what I can do and life is a bit boring. At the moment life is...

I am being very spoilt at home. Mom and dad and hubby are seeing to my every need and I have TWO cooks I can rely on now. Mom cooked all week, but hubby cooked dinner last night. So now mom can relax a bit as well. :-)

With all this care and TLC I should be healed and full of bounce in no time!



  1. For the Ja Da List:
    What a day... \OoO/
    Actually some people will long for a day like that except the uncomfortable part.
    Hope you boost into health.

  2. I'm so glad your mom and hubby are taking good care of you. I remember coming home from hospital after surgery and being expected to resume my days as usual by my family. Thing is, I did! Doh! And took far longer to heal than I should have.

    So, good on mom and hubby! :o)
    Heal well!

  3. Glad to hear it all went well, though you really can't do anything much. I understand that it's a bit boring...but take it easy. Indeed you're blessed to be getting so much TLC. :-D :-D :-D


  4. Hi Michelle! I hope your'e doing well and that you are on the path to recovery! (hats off to your support group at home :-))

    If its any consolation, I've had dental surgery done twice in the last two weeks and the final procedure is coming up next week (a complicated root canal procedure). Fortunately I have managed to keep on working and have even gone out a couple of times inbetween all the sleeping and feeling drowsy from painkillers :-), so its not been too bad actually.

    Hope you are feeling 100% again very soon!!

  5. OrOne
    Isn't it funny how when we are healthy we wish we could relax and do nothing, but when we are sick we wish we could be up and doing things? ;-)

    Thanks Betty
    Yeah, I did that last time and had the hernia to prove it. LOL Never again!

    Hi Amel
    (((Thank you))) :-)

    Hi J~J
    Thanks and get well toothy wishes back to you. :-)

  6. I'd go quietly insane. It's taken years, but I've finally admitted to myself that I'm a bit of a control freak. Only a bit, mind. I'm not sure I'd relax long enough to be spoilt. Can you at least yell instructions? LOL Aw, Michelle... I'm so glad they're looking after you!

  7. That to do list sounds pretty familiar! I'm glad your home and recovering :)

  8. Thanks Rose :-)

    I'm a recovering perfectionist and control freak, so I understand. LOL I did pretty much everything for my wedding, because I didn't trust anyone else to do it properly! In a way I was right - since the only two things I didn't do both were a problem. My cake was awful and our reception venue double booked and "forgot" us! Thankfully an angel named Robin offered us his hotel and staff with a week's notice and saved the reception, but the cake was still awful. I did the dress, bridesmaid, my mom's outfit, the invites, the flowers... you get the idea? LOL

    Sandy is cooking via instructions. ;-)



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