Monday, 12 April 2010

Easter Weekend photos

On Easter Sunday we took a drive to Spey Bay. I forgot about the photos I took there till today. The go in sequence turning in an arc from land to sea, starting with picture 1 looking up a winding finger of river... it joins and winds through the river estuary, past picnic spots

... on further to the right it reaches the sea
...and turning still further you look out across the beach and the sea.
It was a lovely day. A bit cloudy, but mostly warm.



  1. Photograph number two with the picnic table was absolutely perfect composition for me. I loved it!

  2. Gorgeous photos, Michelle! So pretty!

  3. Hi Jennifer

    Most of Scotland is amazing, especially to my African-born eyes. I love the ruins and history as much as the forests and lochs. :-)

  4. does look warm! Glad you enjoyed such a lovely day by being outside! :-D



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