Wednesday, 30 June 2010

A Good News Day


I just received a completely unexpected email that has made my day... heck, my month!

"We have created a range of the top Scotland websites that we think are fantastic resources for those who hope to make the most of their trip to the Scottish Regions, and offer their help to fantastic courses. As an interesting and useful site, we have commended your website to our visitors and you can see your website listed at the following link:

Millions of visitors a year use Tripbase for travel tips and inspirational vacation ideas. Tripbase eliminates the time-consuming and frustrating online search process by providing travelers with personalized travel recommendations for those who may be looking to truly have a fantastic trip while helping many amazing courses."

You can see their award below my world clock. :-)

I've been to have a look at the tripbase website and can really recommend browsing their links.

How nice to have a Good News day. :-)


  1. AWWWWWW CONGRATS, M!!! It's a VERY nice review about you, too. :-D :-D :-D

  2. Congratulations! WOOT! :o)

  3. Thank you my friends. X X :-))

  4. Wonderful accolade! Congratulations.

  5. Congrats! Very cool indeed!

  6. Thank you. I still feel incredibly smug. :-))

  7. Wow! How cool is that! Congratulations, Michelle! :)

  8. Congrats Michelle!!! TripBase Rocks!! :-)



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