Friday, 10 September 2010

One of Those Weeks

This was a mad week. On Monday our kitchen radiator had a nervous breakdown and started spitting water all over the floor, we lost our internet and my dad (who had the day off to take care of some business stuff) felt breathless and lost his appetite.

By the end of the day our landlord had booked a plumber to fix the radiator (and he turned off the gushing water, yay!), our internet was still off... and dad was in hospital.

Dad couldn't get an appointment to see the doctors so he drove in to the hospital to ask if they'd just check him out, since he does have blood pressure problems. I couldn't go with him as I was still busy mopping water at that stage. He phoned from hospital to say they were keeping him for tests, but it was only when we all drove to the hospital at 7:00 that we found out what was wrong. He has pneumonia, but they caught it early enough that he should recover without too many problems. Both my dad and I have had pneumonia in the past so we both know how bad it can get.

He's back at home taking things easy - watching a lot of TV, taking naps and doing loads of sudoku puzzles.

The internet was off almost three full days and the only way the phone engineer could get it back working was to cut all our phones off, except one. So we now have only one phone line in the house, which means I'm doing a lot more running when the phone rings!

The most annoying part was that I was over half way through writing my "Contemplation" post when the internet vanished. :-( I had to wait three days before I could find out how much had been saved. It turned out to be 90% there, thank goodness.

I hope next week turns out to be a bit less exciting!


  1. Oh my, Michelle. Yes, that's the kind of busy you don't need. I hope your Dad feels better soon and that you get your phones up and running again. Have a nice weekend! :)

  2. These things are supposed to make us strong, but heck, we can do without them!! Hope your Dad is better soon..

  3. Oh goodness you have had one of those weeks! I hope your dad heals quickly and is up and feeling good soon. I hope the other things work themselves out...when things get working after being broken, don't they make you really appreciate them? Hope you and yours have a good weekend. XX

  4. Oh dear...sorry to hear about all this, but GLAD they found out about your dad's condition early. Phew...get well soon for him...

    And yeah, hope this weekend you'll all have a restful, peaceful weekend.

  5. Best wishes for your Dad's quick recovery, Michelle.

    What a b..... of a week that was!

    Was it Mercury Retrograde - in part - just what Shakespeare described as "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune", I wonder.

    Next wek will be extra specially easy and pleasant to help balance it out....

  6. Eiiiii..... glad they caught your dad's illness in time to make the recovery go smoothly.

    You need a break after that week!

  7. Thank you everyone for all the get well dad wishes!

    Hi Jacqui
    Yeah, some days I think I'd just like to be medium weak, please. ;-)

    I also appreciate the fact I now know how to turn the water off! It was such a relief to finally stop bailing and mopping.

    hope you had a good weekend too. :-) XX
    Thanks my friend. :-)

    Hi Twilight
    I did wonder about Mercury retrograde, especially since communications were a problem, even with dad trying to get an appointment at the doctor's.

    oooh, I hope you're right about next week. :-)


    Breaks (as in getaways, not dodgy appliances LOL) sounds good. :-)

  8. Good point. Bad word choice!!



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