Monday, 13 September 2010

Summer's End

Our long Summer twilight has started to fade into an actual night with stars. Time to share the last few photos of Summer, before Autumn arrives.

This first one was taken at the Heather Centre on the weekend of my birthday in August. They've made water features out of mill grinding stones. You can see the forest behind the parking area. :-)

A bumble bee on thistles. Not a clue when or where I took this one.
Daisies... one of my favourite flowers. :-)
And last, but not least - Cottontail, glaring at me while I weed the back lawn! I don't know if he was annoyed that I was "eating" his favourite dandelions or if he was just annoyed that I was disturbing his nap.


  1. Lovely pictures, Michelle. Let sleeping bunnies lie! HA HA! Hope this is a good week for you. :)

  2. Ah look... another of my favourite daisys. ;-)

    Thanks Daisy.

  3. wonderful photos. Autumn is here. No denying, now, that some leaves are turning. And the long daily wait for dawn is aggravating.

    LOVE those mill stone water features!

  4. Oooh oooh jealous! I'm jealous. Whyyy can't our garden do this? It needs HOURS of work and water.

    That rabbit keeps turning up everywhere, I wonder what he's up to.

  5. OHHHHH I just posted some autumn pictures in my blog. :-D Miss the flowery summery, but autumn is in full swing and it's lovely too. :-D



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