Friday, 26 October 2012

For the Love of Books

As they put it:

"Book Week Scotland will be a national week-long celebration of reading, delivered on behalf of Creative Scotland by Scottish Book Trust, the leading agency for the promotion of literature, reading and writing in Scotland. Scottish Book Trust will work with authors, workplaces, libraries and schools across the nation to deliver a packed programme of free projects and events, bringing Scots of all ages and from all walks of life together to celebrate books and reading.  

 Running in support of the first ever Book Week Scotland – which runs from 26th November to 2nd December 2012 – the Scottish Book Trust are forming a band of special book lovers who will be at hand to recommend and advise (via email and Twitter) those who seek ‘superhuman’ literary guidance.

The League of Extraordinary Booklovers is a group of people from all walks of life who love books and reading, who are volunteering to share their passion and expert knowledge with readers across the nation during the first Book Week Scotland (26 November – 2 December 2012)."

You can find the entire list of assorted superheroes on their website here and you will find my name on the list.  I'm thrilled and honoured to have been chosen. I feel all superhero powerful... 
Now I know this event is taking place in Scotland, but please don't let that deter you - you can be a superhero too! The world can never have enough book-wielding, word-weaving, story-reading superheroes. So grab your capes and get out there - get sharing your love of books!


  1. That is FANTASTIC and so well deserved. Congratulations!!

  2. WIDELY recognized to have super powers. Well, the black cat is out of the bag!



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