Tuesday, 31 December 2013


It's finally time...

My long long awaited second book, sequel to "First Light", is finally up on Amazon stores worldwide. It went up as a kindle e-book, just before Christmas, but I've been waiting until the paperback was released before I made the formal announcement.

Quite a long journey, since I announced I'd finish writing it in July! Thanks to two bouts of bad flu the proof reading and editing took a lot longer than I expected. 

The sequel is called "Wisdoms of the Light" and it will soon be available in various Internet bookstores as well as all amazon stores and Createspace itself. I've sold two books and four e-books already. :-D And I've had my first review for "Wisdoms of the Light".

I received my proof copy yesterday. I was so exited I ended up chatting to the postman about it. :-D The cover for "Wisdoms of the Light" is made to match in with the new cover (and better edited!) version of "First Light". Here are the two books side by side....

There are pictures on both back covers, as well, but you'll get a better view of them via the amazon "see inside." ;-) "First Light" has Idrith on the back, "Wisdoms of the Light" has Harmion. The woman on the "First Light" cover is Daen. It's artwork I created for bookmarks that went to the LA book fair in 2010.

And who are the two people on the cover of "Wisdoms of the Light"? Ahhh... you'll have to read it to find out! ;-)


  1. I LOVE seeing your books side by side like this. LOVELY!!!! LOVE your artwork! :-D

    Again CONGRATULATIONSSSSS on the release of the second book!

    Oh, and brilliant review! :-)

  2. Michelle - I am reading Wisdoms right now as we speak. Love it! Hunkering down for more reading...

  3. Great! I plan to read it as soon as I can.

  4. Thanks Mimi :-)

    Thank you for the supportive friendship.

  5. Sounds like another winner. :)

  6. Hey Anne!

    Thanks. :-)

    Nice seeing you here. ((hug))



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