Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Dona Nobis Pacem 2015 ~The Power of Love

When Mimi declared this year's blogblast theme of Peace and the Power of love... my mind went blank. So many famous people have written or spoken on this topic. was there really anything new I could say? I couldn't think of anything to write, but then someone sent me this quote:
“Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt.”
Mesa was Bosnian-Serbian. His most famous book, Death and the Dervish, is based on his failed attempt to save his brother from execution during WWII. His book deals with the cruelty and injustice of war, which makes his quote on love all the more poignant.

Mesa was right - love never hurts or harms; only the lack of love can do that. And that includes self-love, because if you cannot love and respect yourself you will never be able to show it to others. Statistics show that humans are becoming less violent. 

But there's still a lot to be done. 

Statistics also show that children from peaceful loving homes are far less likely to become involved in violence. We teach our children by our actions, not by our words. 

To put it plain and simple:

We create our future society based on the way we raise our children.

And that means ALL children. 

This is the greatest challenge humanity faces, as our planet hurtles towards and unknown and seemingly unsettled future. We need to teach our world's children how to be peaceful; how to love themselves and others. 

Never be afraid to love. It is the greatest gift you have to share. It knows no boundaries of species, space or time.
When everything else fails... love remains.


  1. Beautiful post and Peace the quote about love, so true. We join you today in blogging for peace.

    1. Thank you Clooney

      Beast peace day wishes to you.

  2. Michelle - We are two peas. Every newborn baby should carry these words home to their parents from the hospital nursery. What a different world it would be if kids were taught non-violence from the beginning. AND if parents were appropriate role models for peace.

    Our society needs to change. I hope it's not too late.
    Keep plugging the peace. You ARE a peace warrior ya know...

    Mucho love,

    1. Thanks, oh Queen. :) I was busy and tired this year and just could not get anything grand together. So I am really glad you enjoyed my simple message for this year. I LOVED your post! I've already sent the link off to several non blog friends who need to read it.

    2. I await your email to me then. Sometimes the Spirit moves, eh? Your post is not "simple" is simply powerful.

  3. Thank you for sharing so much today. The video was enchanting and zi appreciate the book information. I am going to read it . . . not put it on my list of something to get to when I have time . . .I am going to read it. Peace to you.

    1. Hi gram :)

      Thank you.

      I just loved the quote and had to find the author. He sounds worth reading. And yeah, the video was adorable. :D

  4. Peace and Love, Michelle! :-)

    1. Hi Ferd :)

      Thank you. Peace and love to you too.

  5. Peace to you and yours. Beautiful post.

  6. love hurts only when our love is not reciprocated.
    we need to love unconditionally . . .
    peace and love to you!

    1. Hi Lui
      Sorry I'm so late replying - all the family had flu.

      Best belated peace wishes to you.



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