Monday 8 October 2007

Please Pass The Pink Penguin


Today I received a ‘Pink Penguin’ from ChocMint Girl - a very important (and cute!) reminder that is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

I am very lucky to know three wonderful women who are breast cancer survivors - this disease doesn't have to be a killer! So get those check-ups and become aware.

Below are the four ideas of how you can help spread awareness (recommended by Pelf, via Chocmint girl) :

1. Spread the word.
Announce the event on your blog. You could write a blog post (like this), or a little note about it. Whatever you choose to do, just go ahead and tell your readers about it.

2. Go pink.
Modify your theme if you know how to, or get yourself a pretty pink theme. If you run a website, turn your website pink. But if you don’t like pink, you could still participate by putting up a badge on your sidebar.

3. Design badges and banners.
Design a couple of “Pink for October” badges or banners for other participants to use (for free) and to publicize the event. Some of the existing badges and banners can be downloaded from the Official Pink for October Site.

4. Design blog themes.
There are a lot of bloggers (me included) who can’t even do simple designing, so if you are good at it, perhaps you could design and release a few pink themes?So, I am hoping that whoever happens to read my post, please do something to spread the awareness. It only takes a moment of our time.

I have decided on #3 - designing some new Badges. Since men can get Breast Cancer I've gone for a design especially for the guys as well as one for general use. :-)



  1. Hey, M, COOL badges!!! I LOVE 'em!

    I didn't know that men could get breast cancer, too!!! Gee!!! Glad you let me know about this!

  2. That's great!! Let's raise the awareness amongst men, too!! 'Real Men Wear Pink'...cute!! :D



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