Thursday, 4 October 2007

Totally Fabulous

The totally fabulous Amel has picked me for the Totally Fabulous Award. Thank you Amel! :-)

This award was designed by Mike At Ordinary Folk and was originally offered by Christy of Totally Fabulous.

Who to give this award to... I'm nominating my entire reading list on the left this time. If you are on my list of regular reads - you are one of the folk I think is TOTALLY FABULOUS. :-)


  1. MY pleasure, M! LOVE the pinky icon. It suits your dark blue background he he he...

  2. Hey, Michelle! I'm hoping that you could help me to pass the 'Pink Penguin' in effort to spread the Breast Cancer Awareness. Please check out this link:

    Please Pass The Pink Penguin

    Thanks so much!!



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