Thursday, 27 September 2007

Genesis Revisted


when I WAS, but did not know it
could not share it
I dreamt of you..
I took myself apart and created you a Reality to live in
The Light and the life and the Earth and the clay
you would be ME
and I would BE
"I AM"
you were not what I expected
you came from ME and yet you were more
you were YOU
not clay I could mould into My own Image
you were more
I never expected that
It was a surprise
It took me millions of years to get over the fact
I was the Creator, but not the Clone-Master
You did the only thing that I never have imagined..
YOU surprised ME
Thank you
I never expected to grow from this venture
I never thought I could grow
You didn't take from Me..
You expanded Me
My consciousness
My awareness
My Light
You even gave it a name
You called it..
Copyright Michelle Frost
with a dedication and thank you to "Peter, the potter". :-)


  1. This is a bit tough to chew, but I LOVE it! ;-D

  2. Hi Amel

    It kind of stretched my brain writing it - It was because I read a poem by another online friend (Peter). His stuff REALLLLLY stretches my brain!

    He wrote about creating pottery and it made me think of God creating us. Did He feel the same way potters and Artists do?

    Things that make you stretch your thinking are good, I think. But not too often or my head would go *pop* ;-)

  3. Yeah, I know what you mean...not too often or my head would go pop, as well he he he...

    Btw, I LOVE your last name "Frost". I've ALWAYS loved that word for some reason. It just sounds good and I also love the meaning. ;-D

  4. Beautiful and so clever, Michelle!

    I read it in two different ways - three maybe. It's like one of those optical illusion graphics, but in words.

    A reader doesn't need to actually believe in a god or God, it still has meaning on other levels. :-)

  5. Btw, M, go and claim your award here:

    Totally Fab Award

  6. Thank you Twilight.. you made me go back and see more myself.

    Amel - thank you!! I wasn't online yesterday and have jobs around the house today, but as soon as I have time I'll be back to put up my award. ((hug))



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