Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Moving House

Well, we are finally moving house!

Tomorrow we start shifting boxes and Friday the movers come for the furniture. We will lose the phone, and internet, some time tomorrow so I'll say my "bye for now" while I can. :-)

I will be off the blogs for probably about 10 to 14 days as the phone company is only connecting us after the 8th of April and then we have to sort out the internet after that.

I'm adding two photos of the beach that is just down the road from the new house we are moving into. We were there for a picnic two summers back. (you can see me, my mom and hubby in the top photo) I hope the summer is good this year so we can go for beach walks in the evenings.

Until I get back - my love to all my blogging friends. :-)

Michelle ...


  1. Good Luck for the move, Michelle!

    I envy your new location. I hope you'll find much happiness there. :-)

  2. Wow, it looks great Michelle. I guess the upside to all this moving around is getting to live in different and interesting locations every time - so from sheep in your back yard you go to a beach almost on your doorstep ;-). Here's wishing you all a long and pleasant stay in your new home! J.

  3. Aw Michelle... I wish you many beautiful summers at your beach. Hope you have a smooth move where everything goes according to time and plan :) Take it easy now, ok? ((hugs))

  4. Lovely! You've got the beach! See you around soon. Get busy but don't be too stressed out over the move.

  5. I absolutely LOVE the beach! You are so lucky. Well, except for all the moving stuff...that isn't any fun, but good luck!


  6. Gonna miss you, Michelle! Hope everything goes smooth and take good care!! :)

  7. N-I-C-E!
    Good luck with the move Michelle, and will see you when I see you :)

  8. WOW!!! LUCKY you to get such a nice view nearby your new house. GOOD LUCK in moving and take care!!!!

  9. Enjoy it! I hope the new place works out great for you & your family.

  10. I just got notified of this April entry. Too funny.

    I hope life on the beach is treating you beautifully!



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