Friday, 29 May 2009

Bloggers Building Bridges

Twilight has awarded me the International Reach Out Award (Bloggers Building Bridges)

This award was created by Tessa of An Aerial Armadillo. She writes:

The International Reach Out Award is for these special people who have all, in their own unique way, done exactly that – they’ve built bridges:

It is to acknowledge the depth and breadth of the warm open-heartedness from bloggers all over the world who reach out and touch their readers with their words.

“It has been my experience that whenever one human being reaches out to another in compassion, a bridge is built. A bridge which leads out of despair, into the light of hope and the possibility that tomorrow will hold a few less tears than yesterday”

Dr. Maithri Goonetilleke - the Good Shepherd Hospital and Baylor Clinic in Swaziland.
I feel twice honoured, to receive an award like this from Twilight, an intelligent perceptive bridge-building blogger herself, and to receive an award that links me back to Africa.On the funny-quirky side I've been dealing with the topic of touching people with words recently and, to add to the irony (which Twilight, as an astrologer will enjoy), my Mayan birth day name is... White World Bridger!

Thank you Twilight, for a lovely award. It has always been my wish to be a world-bridger, long before I knew it was my Mayan destiny. *grin* I even wrote about bridging world's in my introduction post when I first started blogging.

Now to decide who to pass this award on to. Bloggers who build bridges, who reach out and touch others. My choices are:

  1. Tint of Tint's Meanderings, for building a friendship bridge between Brazil and the world.
  2. Andy of The Black Bus Company, for bridging the worlds of those who settle and those who wander.
  3. Kerry of Jade Gryphon's Tavern, whose photos bridge continents and remind me what a marvel this planet is.


  1. Augh, my friend, that was so sweet of you :) I think if anyone here does deserve the award, it is you. You 'speak' to so many people, through all your writing. Thank you! I'm honoured to be considered a bridge. What more could a blogger hope for?

    Hugs! Hope you're having a wonderful evening and thank you again!

  2. Congrats on your award - you deserve it!

  3. Michelle-Congratulations on your award, it is well-deserved. Thank you for considering me to be a bridge-builder as well. It has been one of my goals in life, starting as a Peace Corps teacher in Kenya and Morocco, teaching ESL to refugees and immigrants in my own country, and now blogging in my retirement. I am truly honored.

  4. Congratulations! The idea and the award design are so lovely!

  5. Congratulations Michelle, the stars are aligning in your favour! You are very deserving. You have some interesting new additions to you blog here. Hmmm!



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