Thursday, 30 July 2009


What I've been busy doing this week. :-)


  1. Brilliant! So this is what you were up to. I think the idea is great and you did it so well... even if I didn't see a monastery haha! Just teasing ;) I was particularly impressed to see the window :)

  2. I really enjoyed your multi-media presentation, as I enjoyed reading First Light. You are a person of many talents.

  3. WOW!!! I LOVE the music and the visual presentation...just one thing, though...shouldn't it be "In a world without hope" instead of "on a world"?

  4. You did a great job with this, Michelle! :)

  5. Tint
    Thank you. :-) I got lucky with finding a basic window I could add to. I might do a picture break down to give everyone an idea how much work that thing really took!

    Hi Kerry
    Thank you. I'm so thrilled you bought my book and enjoyed it. :-)

    Hi Amel
    I deliberately chose "on", since it's set on another planet. If it was Earth I'd have gone for "in". :-)

    Thanks Daisy! :-)

  6. Michelle, that was totally awesome. It's kind of funny because as I was nearing the end of the book, I began thinking of actors that could play the charcters of your book in a movie. What do you think about this list:

    Daen-----------Gwyneth Paltrow
    Elry-----------Kate Bosworth
    Kemir----------Charlize Theron
    Tarko----------Viggo Mortenson
    Harmion--------Alfred Molina
    Idrith---------Paul Bettany
    Aztar----------Christian Bale
    Lacont Lindo---Christoper Lee

    And who would you like to see act in "your movie"?

  7. Hi Bogey

    what a fun idea! :-) I like a lot of your choices, especially Paul Bettany and Charlize Theron.

    I'll have to go think about who I'd pick now. :-)



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