Wednesday, 1 July 2009

The Other side of Wild Flowers

I know, I've been pretty scarce lately. The reason for that is hay fever. All those wonderful wild flowers and grasses we photographed a week or two back have now become "the enemy"! Hubby and I have been sneezing, sniffling, coughing and, to add to the seasonal misery, both of us have swollen itchy eyes.

At the moment I'm here, but not really up to writing much. My head actually hurts from all the sneezing and I have a nose Rudolph the Reindeer would be jealous of. The weather has been gloriously sunny, wonderfully warm, but hubby and I are mostly having to stay indoors. We're probably the only people hoping for some rain, to get all that pollen out of the air!

Even Bunny Boy is finding the heat too much. He's spent the last two days lying in the shade, underneath the bird bath, snoozing.

How wonderful it must be to lie flat in the long grass and not end up sneezing your head off.


  1. Oh dear...SO SORRY to hear this, M! Hope you've got some rain later on. It rained a little bit yesterday here and today the temp. dropped to 15'C from 22'C.

  2. hope you're feeling right as rain soon!

  3. Gezundheit! I knew there was a down side to all of that blue sky. Feel better soon!

  4. Aw..I'm sorry to hear you and your hubby are suffering with this so much. Hope it rains soon and the pollen goes away. Hugs from Daisy.

  5. Sympathies, Michelle! I suffer too. I keep the worst of it at bay with over the counter medication but it occasionally gets too hard to handle. :-(
    Hope yours is soon on its way out.

  6. Hope the rescue rain comes soon!

    Bunnies can't take much heat and it'll be too late if it get heat exhaustion which is the worest condition. I moved my rabbits indoor and use an electric fan to blow them. The now live under my desk for the day.

  7. Thank you everyone.

    After two full weeks of sneezing we have had rain and the pollen has being damped down. Hubby and I are pretty much back to normal, except I have a cough.

    Our bunny is a wild one, so I can't bring him inside. I wish I could. He is so cute. He came into our garden when he was a tiny baby last year and he has stayed. Over winter he went back and lived with all the wild rabbits in the farm fields, but he was back again this Spring. He's grown up now, but he has a scar on his face so we know it is the same bunny. :-)

    I have photos of him here -

  8. Oh phew - glad to red you're feeling less itchy and sneezy now! My husband also suffers from hayfever (it never seemed to affect him in Afica) - I'm sure he could be in the Guinness Book of Records for the most number of sneezes in a row!



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