Friday, 1 January 2010

Fun for the New Year. :)


  1. Oprah was right; that was the coolest thing ever! I watched this over and over and could feel the energy just vibrating thru me. Of course now I wonder how they did do that. It seemed to start with the the young woman in blue in the front then just progressed from there. Awesome. Thanks for showing this Michelle!

  2. Whoops! In all of my seat boogying I forgot to wish you a very Happy 2010 with improved health and all of the riches that you need. All the best Michelle.

  3. Happy New Year. Best wishes for 2010

  4. WOW!!!! I'm TOTALLY speechless. Never seen such a unity before...gee...if only we could be united like that in the whole wide world...just WOW!!!

    I MUST share this in Facebook he he he...THANKS for sharing, M! That was fun - and it gave me goosebumps he he...

  5. COOOOOOL! I wish I had been there! And hey, I love the new banner you have. There's something familiar about it... :)

  6. Hi Bogey

    I think I might go look at that the beginning of every month... to recharge my batteries. It's such an "upper". :-) And HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too. ((hug))

    Hi Pete
    Thank you and best wishes to you too. :-)

    It is WOW, isn't it? :-) Glad you enjoyed it too. :-))

    Hi RA

    Oh I hadn't thought of that about the banner art. No wonder she looked familiar. *grin*

  7. I saw it on Oprah, I saw it on Oprah!

    It was glorious.

    Joy rising.



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