Monday, 25 January 2010

Gest Joking...

Last week I had the strangest dream. I dreamt I was looking down at a pudding or baked tart thing. It was in an oblong dish and a lightly golden colour.

It had this little paper sign stuck into it, like church bazaars do when they're selling baked goods. I pulled it out to read it.

It read:

All you ingest; makes you blessed.

I even woke up saying it over and over. I told a few friends and they all came back with really interesting suggestions.

One friend thought it might be a spiritual message - that all we experience in life is from God and therefore good. All we experience blesses us and helps us grow.

Another friend pointed out that is not a line you're going to read from Weight watchers! LOL

A third friend noticed the word play I'd overlooked... INGEST = IN JEST.

All you "in jest" makes you blessed? That really made me laugh!

And that made me think... how often in life is it that laughter and smiles pull us through dark times? Scientific studies have proven that laughing helps our immune systems and makes our bodies heal faster. Some hospitals even play old comedies on TV to help the patients get better quicker.

So, this Monday, I'm wishing you all the blessin' of in jestin'!



  1. What a delightful post ... it did make me smile, and I so need this. Thank you.

  2. Indeed laughter is VERY essential in life...Cheers to sense of humour and the fact that laughter is free he he he he he he...

  3. Aw...I LOVE this post, Michelle. This is really great! Thanks!

  4. I wonder is laughing, because it changes the way your body behaves, could be considered addictive. Not in the good sense, I mean. Like the way your body starts to tolerate alcohol or nicotine, could one also become tolerant to laughter, so that it takes more and more laughter for one to get the benefits of a good, hearty belly laugh?

    So many questions, each only raising further inquiries.

  5. Hi Amias
    Yep, we all need more smiles, don't we? ;-)

    Sometimes the good things really are free! he he ;-)

    Thanks Daisy :-)
    Glad you enjoyed it.

    Interesting thought... would make a most unique experiment to try and document - laughter addiction.

  6. Michelle, soon after I returned from a 2-week shamanic healing workshop I was shopping at the farmers' market. 2 weeks straight of working 6 hours a day left me with one foot in both realms - I was spontaneously communicating from time to time w/o trying.

    The spinach told me that I needed to eat it with intention to get the full value of it's minerals and vitamins.

    Not the same as paying attention - but with thought/intention/prayer that it will nourish me.

    I found it to be a good lesson - Others would simply think me insane.

    Perhaps your dream was direct communication.

  7. Laughter is too important to use sparingly.

  8. Hayden
    What a great story, but I do understand how it's not one you can share at the average social event. ;-) It's a very interesting thought too... being on diet on and off (as so many womwen do)I've learnt to view food as "the enemy". I really do need to look at food with the intent of it being a blessing rather than a curse.

    Thank you! Today you were my spinach. :-D

    Hi Jeff
    Oh yes, Laughter definitely keeps the wheels of sanity oiled and rolling. ;-)



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