All nations around the world honor sacred sites as places holding unique geographical, spiritual, historical and often mythological significance. These places of worship—intended to unite people in peace, can all too easily become a source of power struggle, greed and environmental abuse.
It is by no coincidence that places where the Earth vibrates with magnified energy, also commonly align with rich pockets of Earth’s greatest natural resources. Therefore, the importance of protecting sacred sites and educating people about the value of restoring them to balance, reaches beyond the realm of spiritual ideals and directly into the impact their restoration has, on the health of the environment. Chief Looking Horse will be visiting some of the sacred sites of the area on Sunday the 23rd, performing ceremony to cleanse the lands."
"Join us at NOON Pacific Time Worldwide as we Unify in meditation on June 21.
This year we will also be honoring sacred sites by reclaiming the
sacred. Visit your local sacred site at dawn, or create sacred space
wherever you are.
Organize an event in your area as we link up
around the world at the same moment in prayer, meditation for peace and
the healing of Mother Earth. If you are organizing a local event,
please start a facebook event and post it to this page so others can
find it."
To find when you can participate in the global meditation, please click on the map:
May it be so.