Sunday, 7 September 2014

58 ~ Sing the Perfect Song

I'm starting the 60 ways of Peace challenge a few days late. 

58 - Sing the Perfect Song. :-) For me that is my all-time most favourite song, "What He Means" by South African group, Just Jinjer.

If there is Grace in this world
If there is light on this earth
Let us use it, let us see it...
starting right now

Can we be down with ourselves?
Respectful and mindful of one
Of one another, your significant other,
Your sister or brother?

Peace, Love, more tolerance.
Faith, hope, trust 
in the same name of God

Peace, Love, more tolerance.
Faith, hope, trust 
in the same name of God in whose
name we die for, take an innocent life for
well that's not what he means..
and it doesn't matter what Book you read

Is there relief up ahead?
Cos Judgement and hearing await
A weight on our minds to bear,
A shame on our hearts to wear

Where is Salvation now?
Now that we have what we want
Now that we have our wars..

Peace, Love, more tolerance.
Faith, hope, trust 
in the same name of God in whose
name we die for, take an innocent life for
well that's not what he means..
and it doesn't matter what Book you read

with a little bit of ease and little bit of calm
acceptance is the key to all we know
what about a stir of compassion and
what about some understanding?
what about some sympathy?

Peace, Love, more tolerance.
Faith, hope, trust 
in the same name of God in whose
name we die for, take an innocent life for
well that's not what he means..
and it doesn't matter what Book you read



  1. Amen to every word, my friend.
    I am so glad you're doing the Challenge. Would NOT be right without your wisdom.



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