Tuesday, 30 December 2014

What a Year!

I was just looking back through my calendar and thinking what a strange year this has been.

I published a second book (WISDOMS OF THE LIGHT) in December-January and I joined the Visionary Fiction Alliance.

In February I gave an author interview for a book blogger and she kindly made my book covers into bookmarks. :-)

From March I was pretty quiet on my blog, because mid-year was taken up with other people's books. I did a few reviews, I helped a friend by proofing her book for publishing and I helped someone else ghost-write another book. And in between we had another friend come stay with us for a week's holiday! 

In April one of my poems went to LA with a photography exhibition by Katherine Cooper...

In May another lovely lady (Oribel) made one of my poems into an inspirational video...

...and for a brief while the e-book of FIRST LIGHT was number one on amazon.com

In June I published a little book of my poetry and blog stories for friends and family. Including all the poems that had a very busy 2015. ;-) In July we dashed about Scotland with our friend, so there are no July blog posts, but loads of August posts of the photos we took that wonderful summer. 
September was a whirlwind of emotions and happenings as I took part in the "60 ways to Peace" and Scotland steamed towards the independance referendum. I can sum up both of those events with a poster from the referendum.
September ended with me more active in politics than I have ever been in my life and I'm not the only one. The Scottish referendum set the country on fire and the blaze is still burning. It has led me to new friendships and helped inspire my Blogblast for Peace entry this November 4th.
I made another of my peace poems into a graphic for Facebook and blogs.And in October I lived up to that poem by joining several groups and organisations involved in positive change. :-)

In November I finally finished a video for my second book, WISDOMS OF THE LIGHT. 

Here's a slide from that video...

This year has had some lows as well, including the sudden death of a friend and fellow-blogger's husband. 

For Jurgis...
And for all those loved ones (friends or family) that we remember at this time of year...


  1. Thank you, my friend <3 You've had an incredible year with so much amazing achievement on many levels. May 2015 be even more amazing and filled with love, joy and a thousand successes in everything you take on.

  2. You've had a lovely year! Wow, #1 too! It inspires me, cos last year, I didn't get to do much. Happy New Year, Michelle, and may you have lots more good things come your way.

    Haha, your phone tale of the R was good!

    1. How did I miss you, G~G!? Thank you. :) and very belated happy new year to you too.

  3. What an incredible year and full year it was for you, M. So many accomplishments. Here's to having another year filled with beautiful memories!

  4. I'd like to add "what a decade". The great pleasure and joy of knowing you is exceeded by the awe I feel as I consider your growth. Congratulations many times over.

    1. Ah Anne... you constantly surprise me, old friend. (((hug))) and thank you.



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