Friday, 1 May 2015

My First Selfie

I took my first selfie this week. Yeah, I know - I'm a late bloomer! 

I think many photographers fall into that trap of being more interested in what is around them. I love nature, I find human faces awesome (wish I was a portrait artist/photographer), but with all that looking outwards I tend to forget my eyes are in a face as well. LOL LOL 

Drum roll moment... here I am.  Taken on the spur of the moment, so excuse the crazy angle. 


  1. The angle is artistic. You've got gorgeous, smooth skin! What a lovely lady! :-)

  2. Hi! You're real! And very attractive too :-)

  3. Amel
    awww :))) Thank you!

    LOL Yes, I have a face! ;) And thank you for the compliment about it. :D

  4. I love this photograph! What a beauty you are. Soulful eyes and I agree about the beautiful skin. Lovely!

  5. Thanks Mimi

    (the skin owes a LOT to very gentle and kind filtered sunlight and low pixel count. LOL)



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