Monday, 4 November 2024

Dona Nobis Pacem ~ Hold the Light

I am out of words this year, so I'm using some lovely lyrics from a song by a very talented duo called Our Atlantic Roots.


 With thanks to Debbie Edwards for the lantern lady artwork. 



  1. Such a beautiful image and an empowering quote. Gather the people, together we are strong. Peace and light to you and yours!
    Love the song, added it to my list. Thanks.

  2. This is so beautiful. Peace to you! I resonate with being "out of words." I think we are all exhausted.

    1. It's been one heck of a year! thanks Sherry

  3. So very beautiful. Like Sherry said, "we're all exhausted" and out of words. All the more reason to post and blog for peace. But I'm preaching to the choir. You are so faithful to join us each year, an integral helping supporter and friend all these years....Thank you for being you.

  4. I love what you've done with this graphic! Makes me want to sing and dance.....and maybe find a little hope in this crazy time. Thank you for always supporting and being so creative.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Miss Titch :) Sorry for delay. I was getting spam so had to set my blog to me monitoring all replies, which is a pain.

  6. Beautiful imagery, and perfect lyrics.



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