Friday, 22 February 2008

About Me Tag

Prema has tagged me for this one.

The rules are:
Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 key words given (family, friend, yourself, your love, anything you like). Tag 5 other friends to do this meme. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances (if not, your current blog buddies will do) so that you get to know them each a little bit better.

Family: That’s easy; my favourite family post here is My Grandmother’s House.

Friends: I write for friends and my writing has created friendships, but posts about friends? I’m going to pick two posts I wrote about two very unique friends Eunice and Sexy. :-)

About yourself: Like prema said, blogging is all about expressing “me” really, but to pick a post I feel sums up myself or says something about myself worth sharing? I’m choosing Fourth Monkey Tango and Pain of Fame.

Your love: 6000 Steps to Love and For My True Love.

Anything you like: Since prema tagged me I'm picking Almost Two Years Ago and adding an old mugshot passport photo of myself to prove the claim of "Persian eyes". ;-)

I've tried to tag some old and some new bloggers, but please feel free to join in if your name's not on my list, just leave a reply so I know to go read and add you in. Also, any blogger tagged who is too busy is welcome to leave the tag:

Amel, Crystal, Ting, Amias, Mother Hen, Vince, PV and Cliff


  1. That's funny. One of my NEWS FLASH's would satisfy all these.

  2. LOL

    I know. That's why I didn't tag you, Jeff - you'd be redundant. ;-)

  3. This meme is especially handy when I go MIA for a while :)

  4. AHHHHH...nice passport photo of you he he he he...with your Persian eyes! :-D

    Have a blessed weekend! ;-D

  5. Give me a minute Michelle, my emotions is at it worst. I will try this later.

  6. You do have that smouldering, sexy eyes!

    Thanks for tagging me. Like what MH said, it'll definitely come in handy on those days...

  7. Hi Amias

    Hope you're feeling more "even sailing" soon.


    Thank you. :-) I'm hoping that when my face gets old n saggy I manage to keep the eyes. ;-)

  8. I managed to sit down and read all the links to your old posts. Some I have read before while others I was reading for the first time. Once again, you write so well it moves people. I really enjoyed everyone of it. Keep writing Michelle. And I love the way you describe yourself as a mongrel. They're very smart, loyal, loving and free as the wind.

  9. Thank you Ting ((HUG)) I really needed this today. Some days are sort of grey. Today was a grey day, but your praise brought back the sunshine. :-)

  10. My pleasure :-) Have a sunny day!

  11. Hey, Michelle! I've done this tag before, but I think I'll do it again. Thanks!



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