Tuesday, 24 February 2009

The Planetary Awards


Twilight, inspired by the Oscars, has created her own blogland award ceremony. Being an astrology enthusiast she has called them "The Planetary Awards."

I was thrilled to be selected for The Venus Award "for beautiful writing style." Thank you Twilight! :-)

I am passing this one on, as I just love the different categories. So... *drum roll as the velvet curtain slowly rises* ...here are my choices for The Planetary Awards, with quotes and links for each blogger:

The Sun and Moon Award

for finding inspiration and beauty in the balance of Nature.
I'm awarding to: Rima (a deep Moon artist) and Vita (a warm Sun artist) ;-)

The Mercury Award"for enabling communication and learning" though their blogs.
I'm awarding to Shastri and Grace

The Venus Award
"for beautiful writing style."

I'm awarding to Guyana Gyal and Emma

The Mars Award
"for fighting spirit and unflinching opposition to the wrongs of this world."

I'm awarding to: Amias and Mimi, for her Blogblast for Peace.

The Jupiter Award"for volume, quality, and quantity of excellent, thought-provoking content."
I'm awarding to: Cliff and Amel

The Saturn Awardfor dark humour or the ability to weather life's woes with a wry smile.
I'm awarding to: Andy and Nick

The Uranus Award"for reaching beyond the obvious, putting a new twist on ancient materials."
I'm awarding to: Jeff, for Druid Journal and Sadiq

The Neptune Award "for imaginative, creative content linked to photography."
I'm awarding to: Kerry, Genie and Tint.

The Pluto Award... "for penetrating insight, occasional dips into darkness, a tinge of the mystical."
I'm awarding to: derik and Hayden


  1. AWWWWWWW THANK YOU SO MUCH again, M!!! I'm touched! :-)))


  2. I'd like to thank you for this neat award. And I'd like to thank Mr. Jackman, without whom it would not have been possible to change the tire on my son's car.

  3. Thank you Michelle .. I appreciate the award.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yowza! Thanks for the props; I need to stop by more often--you've always got something interesting to offer up to the reading gods.

  6. Hey, what a great idea! And thanks so much for the award! Uranus has always been one of my favorite planets... And it's particularly active this year.

  7. Thank you, Michelle! I appreciate the award and am very honored!


  8. Hello Michelle... ahh thank you so much for awarding me the moon :) I am honoured to share an award with talented Vita too :)
    Wishing you the best

  9. The Mercury Award for the Gemini? How appropriate.

    Thank you very much.

    Captcha: symouren

  10. Thank you Michelle. Your award is, indeed, an honor that is appreciated.
    May your travels be interesting and many. :-}

  11. Amel
    Your award is well deserved! Y
    ((((HUGS)))) back

    LOL I enjoyed that. :-D

    The moment I read Twilight's description I thought of your unflinching fighting spirit.

    It certainly is an award that fits your style, I think. Thank you for the compliment on my blog.

    Hi Jeff
    I like Uranus too (and Neptune). Particularly active this year? Interesting. I must go check that out. Thanks.

    Hi Nick
    Blessing back! : -)

    I knew the moon was for you, but not a blue one, definitely a deep orange-gold harvest moon. ; -)

    I only realised that after I was setting them up. LOL Very appropriate.

    Thank you for the travel wishes. Keep sharing your wonderful photos.

  12. These are lovely awards indeed.
    Thank you so much. I am honored and will display it proudly.
    And now I have new wonderful new blogs here to explore as well.
    Are we allowed to pass them on?

    Have a great day, Michelle....

  13. Hi Mimi

    I agree the awards are too charming to leave on a shelf - please take them and keep them going. You can link to Twilight as the creator, if you like.

    I know Mars seems an odd choice for a peace award, but you can fight for peace, with swords lain down and exchanged for mightier pens (keyboards?).

  14. Thank you, Michelle, I truly appreciate. In between my sneezing attacks and the mosquitoes stinging, I'm grinning. I love it!

    I want to share this with other bloggers, choosing some of them too.
    As soon as I stop sneezing.

    [I'm without anti-allergy tablets right now too].

  15. I'd say Citronella or orange oil for the mosquitos, but with hayfever?? You'd probably sneeze yourself out your own skin!

    No allergy tablets? Oh, that HURTS, I know. :-(

  16. Michelle, I feel such a dunce. I am as ever behind in all writing projects, including blogs, so hadn't registered what your comment meant until this moment. Thank you so, so much. You are a most generous and thoughtful blog-friend. I hope to return this weekend and get to know writings of the others you picked, as I know it will be a banquet of delicacies. May you be blessed ten times for each of the blessings you have bestowed here.

  17. Hi Grace
    No problem. I'm behind in way too much myself and understand how it feels. I had a book published in January and have been trying to do the advertising, which uterly new and alien territory for me. It's turning out to be harder and more tiring than writing it was. :-x

    I hope you enjoy getting to know my other award winners. :-)

  18. dear Michelle,
    Thank you so much for your sweet kindness. May your remain blessed.

    with much love,

  19. Hi Sadiq

    A blessing is even better than an award.

    Thank you and love to you too :-)



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