Saturday, 7 February 2009

Honest Scrap Award

I had a lovely surprise today. Daisy has given me the Honest Scrap Award, for blogs considered "brilliant in content or design." Thank you Daisy! :-)

The rules for this award are: Choose a minimum of seven blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.

Show the winners' names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Scrap".

Lastly, list at least ten honest things about yourself.

Since this is an "honest Scrap" award I'm picking blogs that strike me with their honesty as well as their brilliance. My choices for this award are:
1. prema - for her brave and honest memories of her childhood in India
2. vita - for her wonderful magical honest art.
3. mother hen - for her honest chicken-scrap humour.
4. vince - for his honest opinions and stories about his life.
5. Andy and Mel - for sharing their lives on the road honestly.
6. Amel - for her honesty and honest dedication to everything she tackles.
7. Cliff - for his honesty and sincerity.

Gosh, now I have to list ten honest things about myself... I've done two versions of that recently. Like Daisy, I'm going to cheat and twist the rules a little. I'm going to use prema's blog on childhood and list ten honest things about my childhood. Plus a photo of my junior school playgrounds. :-)

1. My first memories are of my gran's cat, Whisky, and my dad's parents' parrot. Both were gone before I reached three so this is a very early memory.
2. I thought fairies lived in the roots of a tree in our front yard.
3. In Junior School I loved Fridays because they showed movies (documentaries) in the afternoon. (in the boarding school section, top centre behind the trees in that photo)
4. My favourite colour was sky blue right up until I was in my teens.
5. I loved spinach, but hated peas.
6. I didn't like sweets at all, I'd rather eat crisps.
7. I was so skinny my uncle used to joke that I was invisible when I stood sideways.
8. My dad offered to build me a Wendy house, but I wanted a log cabin.
9. My favourite TV shows were Bonanza and Star Trek.
10. I never bothered to learn how to tell time until I was in high school. (I still don't wear a watch unless I have to)


  1. That was fun to read, Michelle! I loved peas but hated spinach--ha ha! And I loved sweets then and still do now (unfortunately!).

    You mean to tell me that fairies don't live in the tree roots!!???


    Congratulations to all those you passed this on to.

  2. What a good and fun list you have there :)

    I did this meme a few weeks ago and I couldn't even hit 10 points. Yeah I'm that lame, lol.

  3. Daisy
    These were African peas, grown in good dry dirt. They were rock hard and tasted like sawdust!

    I still wonder about those tree roots... ;-)

    Mother Hen
    Ah, sorry to make you sweat all over again. Take the award and forget the 10 things. I can't have you going lame again! ;-D

  4. Michelle,
    That is so nice of you to mention my blog. I don't have very much time to devote to it (& sadly, I can't follow the directions listed in your post), but just remember that I love reading your blog too. Any award you get is very well deserved.
    I truly hope you continue to write your blog it's something I really look forward to reading!!

  5. Hi Vince
    Thank you. i try to keep it updated regularly, but as you know - it's not always easy to find the time.

    Hi Andy
    That's ok. You take care out there - the roads are icy and slippery.
    Love to you and mel

  6. Now I know I haven't been here as often as I should. And I;ve been away too long. I'm ashamed of myself....

    Thank you for this award. I will pass it on.

  7. Hey, THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH for sharing the award with me! I've been late in blog-hopping lately he he...

    I LOVED Star Trek TOO!!!!!!!!!!! Especially with Captain Picard in it he he he...:-D

    You don't wear a watch? I couldn't live without a watch since I was a little kid. One time my watch's battery died and there was a huge exam at school, so I borrowed my Dad's over-large watch HE HE HE HE...Even though there was a clock inside the classroom, I still felt "naked" without the watch. :-D

  8. Hi Amel

    Nice having you back in blogland. Oh I'm still dreadful with watches. If I need to be on time I'll check that I'm never late, but I still rarely wear a watch. P



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