Friday, 13 February 2009

Here at Last!

Yesterday my book finally arrived! Well... to be exact, three copies arrived. I bought one for myself and two family members ordered copies for themselves. To prove it is really HERE, in my house, I took some photos...

Here in the lounge I went with a casual pose of "Poochy" (Christmas gift) holding all three copies.

...then I took my copy upstairs and stuck it by my computer. I rather like the double-up effect of having Crow's Feet showing on Crow's Feet. ;-) It's a bit dark and in shadow, because my computer desk has a top portion for a printer or other office equipment.

For the curious. The monitor was my Christmas gift, 2008, from hubby. The "cat" is a snow leopard. His name is Chester and he was my Christmas gift from hubby in 2003. Can you tell our finances have improved over the years? ;-)

In front of my monitor is a card with a nice poem (wedding anniversary gift), a quartz crystal and a green glass heart. On the right is a cute little black box my dad bought me for Christmas. It has a gold design of flowers and butterflies on it, but it doesn't show up in the photo. I'm going to go put MY book on my book shelf. :-)


  1. Good show!!!

    You know what's next? Book signing tour!
    Go girl!!!

  2. I missed posts since the end of November so I must catch

    So if you've written about your book earlier, this is news for me.

    Congratulations. May you have many sales.

  3. My heartiest congrats Michelle! Well done!

  4. Twilight
    That would be a dream come true... a Leo in the spotlight? YEAH!! ;-D

    Hi! Thank you, nice seeing you here. It reminded me that I haven't read your blog in way too long also. Lately I just never seem to have the time to get everywhere anymore. :-(


    How are you? So glad to see you back. :-D I'l save you the pain by giving you two links. You read these and you'll be up to speed. The rest is just blog waffle.

    The book has its own blog (on my profile) so that I can keep blogging a bit in order, well.. that's the theory anynway!

    Thank you so much. :-)

  5. HE HE HE..LOVE all the pics, M! Must feel GREAT to have YOUR book on YOUR own shelf! ;-D

  6. I have a 19" Flat Screen just like yours :-D (What a pleasure to use)

    Treated myself in November after months of staring at an "old school" beige 15" borrowed from a friend.

  7. Amel
    It does!!! :-)

    Then you understand. I'm completely converted to flat screen. :-D

  8. Big smile here! Congratulations! :D



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