Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Autumn Wonders

Two weekends back hubby and I took our cameras and went out to take some photos of the autumn colours - gold, copper and orange everywhere you looked. Some of the trees were so bright they looked like they were on fire.
We weren't the only ones out enjoying nature. There were quite a few people taking photos and lots of birds everywhere we went. We also bumped into some Scottish 'wildlife' in the woods. ;-)
I had to call out, "Hello" twice to get him to turn and have his photo taken. Mind you, I can't blame him for being distracted by all those amazing trees and autumn leaves to sniff through.
After that we took a walk through another forested area.
Looking back down the road you can just see a cottage tucked into the woods.
Some of the leaf colours are beyond description...
Along the road into town we stopped in a parking area to take photos back down the road...
and on up the road...
Autumn is definitely my most favourite time of the year! :-)


  1. Beautiful, Michelle!
    My favorite time of year, too. Our colors weren't quite as vibrant as usual...more browns than vibrant reds and yellows. But still gorgeous against autumn blue skies. :o)

  2. So beautiful. Autumn is my favorite time of year. Sadly all the colors left us weeks ago and now we are mostly bare and brown and when it snows an added dusting of white everywhere...looks pretty on the trees. The days are coming when the snow will come in inches and not leave until next April. Thanks for showing me the beauty in your part of the world. :)

  3. Gorgeous photos, Michelle. What a lovely trip that must have been.

  4. Thank you, Betty, Lori and Daisy :-)

    The trees here didn't all go colours this year and they were at least a month later too. Now they're mostly bare and yet here and there... still green trees! I have enjoyed the extra long warm days and the lack of wind. ;-) Usually Scotland gets lots of gales in autumn which zaps those glorious golden leaves off pretty fast! At least this year I got enough time to photograph them.

    We've had some frost, but no snow so far, well... on the mountains, but that doesn't count.

  5. WOW, WOW, and WOW!!! Autumn here is WAAAAAAAAAAAYYY too short...I REALLY REALLY love the pics. I can almost "enter" some of your pics mmmm...amazing!



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