Monday, 21 March 2011

Reach Up

...I took this photo last week in the hospital parking lot. I like the way the bare branches are stretching up. It's like they can feel Spring is in the air and are reaching up, ready to grab it.


  1. I like it too! I'm ready to reach up and grab spring too (except they're saying we make get some snow today!!--HA! I hope they're wrong.) :-D

    Happy spring, Michelle. :-)

  2. LOVELY picture, M! :-D Spring hasn't come here, though. Weather prediction says this week's gonna be cold again (it may be below -10'C during the nights).

  3. Thanks Alie. That's very kind of you. Especially since your photos are way better than mine. :-)

  4. I love this picture - the contrast and blue of the sky takes me away.



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