Thursday, 10 March 2011

Earth Mother Blessings

I received a wonderful email recently to say that my Mother Earth Prayer has been accepted by World Prayers for their Invocations section. I'm really thrilled. I love the multi-faith/spirituality of I feel really honoured to think my words will be up there for the world to find.

I wanted to find a nice 'Mother Earth' video to celebrate my good news with. After a morning pottering through YouTube I finally narrowed it down to two videos by NiaramAngel. I really liked the first I found, which has a lovely section of prayer candles floating on water, but I think this second one fits the power of Earth Mother better...



  1. congrats, Michelle, it's very, very cool.

    as for the opening of the vid..... hummm, talk about getting up a head of steam!

  2. Congratulations, Michelle. That's exciting news. :)

  3. Thanks Hayden and Daisy. :-)

  4. Congratulations, Michelle; an honor, indeed. Well done!



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