Monday, 19 May 2008

Our View

I promised to post photos of the views from our new house months ago. Here they are at last! :-)

From our bedroom window...

From the downstairs dining room...

That's the sea in the distance.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Wow Michelle, it's a beautiful view. Such expanse of space! And the sea. I'm filled with envy! :-)

  3. NICE view, M!!! ;-D Enjoy your new house and view!

    And do you mind reading the beginning of my story here:

    The Painter

    Found the above site coincidentally and I just thought I'd give it a try. I wrote that bit years back but I've never finished it. The greatest thing about this site is that you can write parts of stories OR continue other people's stories he he he...

    They're also running a contest with money prizes. I think I'll try it later on. Since you write so well, I just wanna know your comment on my writing he he he...THANKS in advance!!! No hurry, thoughhhhhh he he he...

  4. Oh Michelle... what a lovely view! Miles of open. Thank you for sharing your world :)

  5. Oh, what beautiful views. What I wouldn't give to be able to see the sea from my window...

  6. Thank you everyone! :-)

    It is a truly fantastic view of farm land, forest, mountains (too hazy that day) and the sea.

    We have guests staying and I've been a bit busy (having fun! *grin* ), but I'll go take a look at your story next week when I have more time.

  7. I love the open spaces! - looks like nature-wise you've got it all, Michelle
    (- it must feel a bit like farm life, without the animals :-)

  8. Gads, that's beautiful! I hope I live near the sea one day. I haven't so much as dipped a toe in the sea in at least ten years. Experienced a storm there yet?



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