Friday, 30 May 2008

Photos from this Week

This first photo is of Sanquhar Loch. A fairly small loch with a walkway all the way round. Lots of ducks and swans and lots of people out walking their dogs. My friend and I almost got a "shower" from a very excited labrador who leapt into the water right next to us, along this pathway.

Such a lovely tree, I had to take a photo. :-)


  1. How lucky, for you to live there!

  2. Wonderful photos, Michelle! Ooooo, how I'd love to visit Scotland. But, alas, 'tis but a dream. :o)

  3. Thank you Ting and Betty

    and thank you for reminding me how lucky I am to live in a beautiful world. :-)

  4. ALL these photos are GREAT Michelle! It looks really amazing out there.

  5. LOVE the pics, esp. the second one. I've always loved such a pic where you get to see the sun streaming through the looks SO peaceful. ;-D



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