Thursday, 8 May 2008

Standing Women Pledge

The Pledge for the Standing Women (see video below) reads...

Last May hundreds of thousands of women and girls, along with the men and boys they love, in 75 countries and on all continents of the world stood together in parks, on beaches, in churches, at graduation ceremonies, in their backyards and at school yards or anyplace they could find to stand in a global wave of humanity in support of a better world for our children.

We invite women and their families everywhere to take this "stand" with us again, on May 11 at 1 p.m. local time for just 5 minutes, to rekindle the world with our common vision.

We stand for the world's children and grandchildren, and for the seven generations beyond them.
We dream of a world where all of our children have safe drinking water, clean air to breathe, and enough food to eat.
A world where they have access to a basic education to develop their minds and healthcare to nurture their growing bodies.
A world where they have a warm, safe and loving place to call home. A world where they don't live in fear of violence-in their home, in their neighborhood, in their school or in their world.
This is the world of which we dream.
This is the cause for which we stand.

To learn more and register your
standing, go to the Standing Women website at

Guyana Gyal replied that she might "stand" with words in her blog on Sunday. I think that's a wonderful idea and am adding it here as a challenge.

What do you "stand" for?

Write about it, post it this Sunday, but please let me know so I can add your link to the "I Stand for..." post I'll put up on my blog on Sunday.


  1. I wonder if I should 'stand' with some words on Sunday.

  2. Hey, that's a fantastic idea, G-G!

    I might do that myself and even add that as a challenge - write what you stand for... on May 11.

  3. That's a very good cause & I will try and remember to do that with my family. The words/oath discussed the "...7 generations beyond them....". I hate to be pessimistic, but I wonder if we are going to have far more problems when the 7th generation is around as compared to today. How much will get better? How much will get worse? Will we have blown up all civilization by that time with all the nuclear weapons and strife around....? If more people feel like us, maybe not.

  4. I'll write about this, and link to yours tomorrow, Michelle. Beautiful idea! Then, on Sunday I'll make that day's blog my "stand" as someone else has suggested doing. :-)

  5. Count me in, Michelle. I'll stand... for peace for our children, though I'm thinking at this point that food for our children would be more appropriate *sigh*

  6. I'm in too, there's a park close to my home where I'll be standing for equality. Will let you know if I get something up on my blog.

  7. I'll go stand in Grant Park in Chicago. I just created a post for Mother's Day in honor of my mom, so I'll miss the post part, but it's a lovely, meaningful intention to engage, and I will have it at the forefront of my mind and heart in the park tomorrow afternoon.

  8. I stand for the kids in the world. May there be no kids who will be abused,neglected or deprived of food and comfort.

  9. beautiful. I'm here by way of GG and I'll stand - both on my blog posting today and also in fact and meditation at 1:00.

  10. Hi Mich, I'm a bit late, but here's mine:

    (It's only around 11 am in the US, Canada and Latin America, so day the day is still young to stand for something ;-))

  11. Thank you everyone! The response has been just fantastic! You're ideas, your words, your pledges.... all wonderful. :-)



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