Thursday, 8 May 2008

Standing Women Day - May 11 2008

This year my mom and I have pledged again to stand. Just in our garden, since it's only the two of us. Will you join us and add your pledge to the list?

Let me know if you do so I can think about you standing in your corner of the world on the same day I'll be standing in mine. :-)


  1. I blogged it here and on my other blog sites and have a few people who will pledge to stand too. This is wonderful. I hope you don't mind that I used your blog. I can edit if you wish. I did link to you :)

    I think I may take a walk to a local park with Tatiana for the occasion. That would be nice. Otherwise, we'll be in my back yard. Thanks for blogging this, my friend!

  2. I'll be taking a stand here in Chicago. xoxo



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