Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Daffodil Daze

A few weeks ago we took some visiting family for a drive around the area where we live. We stopped off at Baxters Highland Village, where they make all sorts of delicious things from soups to preserves. It's a really beautiful area. The whole factory and shopping complex is surrounded by river (Spey), parkland and countryside.

Here's the view of the Spey from their visitors parking area.

...and this is where I was standing taking that photo,
on steps going up the hill between grassy banks overflowing daffodils.
Golden yellow ones...

...and white ones.

I never knew there were so many different types of daffodils!

These below were really weird - shaped like little yellow trumpets.

And the difference in sizes amazes me too. These below were really big...

...but this one was so tiny I nearly missed it hidden in a bed of tulips.
I held the stem so you can see my hand size in comparison.

I was in a daffodil daze! ;-)

I took the last photo of daffodils a week later, in the town of Forres.
It's the one I have used for my April Banner.

I just love the combination of colours in this flower tub.


  1. oooh, that's my favorite color combo too, and one I tried to do under my trees. Planted scilla in blues with the yellow dafs, - but the scilla are so much smaller that it will take some years and more bulbs to get the blue haze underplanting thing going.

    now, if I could only figure out how to download pics from my new camera...

    your pics are so lovely! there are pink daffs, too...

  2. WOW!!! LOVELY pics! God is the BEST artist ever - different kinds of flowers, animals, etc. etc. etc.

    I can't wait to look at flowers here, but it's gonna take a while still ha ha...that was why I was really happy to see some flowers already in Budapest when we went there two weeks ago ha ha...

  3. Lovely flowers, Michelle. This is my favorite time of year when everything suddenly comes to life again. I didn't realilze there were so many types and sizes of daffodils either.

  4. Hayden
    I've only ever seen the pink ones in a flower catalogue photo. They look gorgeous.

    My photos are (believe it or not) all from a phone camera! It's an older phone too. I keep it just because it takes such great pictures and plus it has a little plug in cord that I just attach to my computer and it happily slurps out all the photos and sticks them in a folder for me. ;-)

    Oh yes. God is definitely the best artist. ;-) You should try growing bulbs indoor maybe? My sister-in-law has hyacynths and lilies and sometimes daffodils growing indoor over winter, to brighten up the house. She lives up more in the mountains and so she gets lots more snow than we do.

    It's just mind-boggling how many variation there are. I've also seen cream ones and ones with curly petals that look almost like roses. But it's mostly only the regular ones that smell nice. Many of the hybrids have no perfume. That was another surprise for me - I had no idea daffodils smell lovely. They're a bit like lilies. Strong quite intense perfume.



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