Sunday, 17 April 2011

The Porcelain Unicorn

A friend sent me this thought-provoking mini-movie.



  1. That is REALLY lovely, M! I have tears in my eyes...............

  2. Oh almost forgot...LOVE your new header and background, too. I also want to put spring pics but it's not that lovely here yet as there's still a little bit of snow left and it's ugly and dirty ('coz it's melted over and over again).

  3. Thanks Amel :-)

    Yeah, I felt I needed a change as my old banner was up just before we found out about my MIL being ill and it felt kind of connected in a sad way.

    The little movie is lovely. I saw a true story on TV that was very similar about a boy who stole a little silver box from a Jewish home during the War. He also gave it back, but in his case it was even more amazing. It was on TV as the Tv show had been the ones to help him hunt down the owner of the house and box.

    When he met the old lady who was the daughter from the house she asked him if he'd ever read the verses. He had never opened the box - he felt so guilty he hid the box for 60 years. so he was very surprised to find out the box held little cards with religious verses on them (Jewish books, our Old Testament). The owner used to read the top one ever morning and then put it at the bottom, so there would be a new verse each morning.

    This box had not been opened since the day he stole it... he opened it with the owner's daughter and the verse was one about God's love and how He watches over us all.

    Both the man/boy and the daughter just burst into tears.

  4. AWWWW...I LOVE true stories. THANKS for sharing!!! Now I'm teary-eyed again he he he...



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