Thursday, 9 January 2014

Thoughtful Thursday ~ Visionary Fiction

For this week's Thoughtful Thursday I'm going to explain the new badge in my blog side bar. I have been accepted as a member of the Visionary Fiction Alliance.

My husband found the site while browsing the internet recently, and said, "This place reminds me of your writing." 

I went to take a look and liked what I found. The whole concept is very exciting and fits in perfectly with the reasons I write. The Visionary Fiction Alliance have a book store and a blog, with some excellent inspirational articles and book reviews.
Here's a quote from their home page, about the concept behind visionary fiction:

Visionary is a tone as well as a genre. The ‘visionary’ element can technically be present in any genre and set in any time.

Characteristic Features of Visionary Fiction:

  • Growth of consciousness is the central theme of the story and drives the protagonist, and/or other important characters.
  • The story oftentimes uses reincarnation, dreams, visions, paranormal events, psychic abilities, and other metaphysical plot devices.
  • The plot [or story] is universal in its worldview and scope.

So in short, the emphasis is on our limitless human potential, where transformation and evolution are entirely possible.
How could I resist that? Their list sums up my books and short stories, even some of my poems.  I've never had a genre that all my writings fitted within before. Now I do - Visionary Fiction. I love it! 

Do check out their list of visionary books, movies and TV shows. I saw a lot of old favourites there, but also found some new recommendations.


  1. Yeah, it does seem to fit you so well! Good to know you've found a place where your writings belong! :-D

  2. Glad you found us at the VFA, Michelle. Welcome!
    Visionary Fiction is truly a wonderful genre to write, and many authors, such as yourself, feel they have finally found their writing home!

    Looking forward to checking out your works.

  3. Hi Jodine

    Thank you. :-) I'm busy looking at your lovely website at the moment. Seeing a lot that gets me excited. :-D



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