Sunday, 5 April 2009

Birthday Treats

It was my husband's birthday recently. Our family tradition is that every birthday person gets to choose their "treat" meal. This year hubby wanted a beef Mardas curry "with all the trimmings". I took some photos...
This first photo is of the "trimmings."
From the left :
Sliced banana with raisins and fresh ginger in lemon juice with a dash of sugar and cumin seeds.
Diced tomato and green pepper.
Toasted coconut.
Cucumber in plain yoghurt.

Here's the beef curry, on yellow rice, with the trimmings. The naan bread on the right was the only thing I bought. We all over ate!


  1. HAPPY belated birthdayyyyyy!!! :-D WOW!!! That's a nice treat indeed! Makes me feel hungry again mmmmm...*drool*

    Great birthday idea, though. Next time I should ask hubby what he wants to eat and I'll prepare it for him. :-D

  2. I can smell it from here and now have to go out and get somthing to eat. Great idea about creating a special meal for your loved ones. It adds that personal touch that no restaurant can ever match.

  3. YUMMMM!

    I'd forgotten that my mom used to do this for my sister and I. It's nice to remember, thanks!

  4. Amel
    It's great fun choosing your treat meal. I recommend the idea. :-)

    LOL I feel hungry looking at the photos myself.

    Ahh, how nice. :-) I'm glad I brought back happy memories.

  5. Unfortunately for me, if it's my turn, I don't think we can have them here in Sodankylä...because I'll want all the traditional food from Indo he he he...

  6. It would be difficult to put my jealousy into words at this point, your dish looks delicious.

  7. Yes, this all looks good. And if you read my latest blog post, you would see another advantage of eating bananas, especially before bedtime.

  8. Aww Amel. That's sad. You'll have to teach R2 some simple dishes.

    Sorry to add to your jealousy, but it was delicious.

    Thanks for letting me know about the bananas helping sleep apnoea. That's really amazing!

  9. Looks yummy! Hope your husband had a wonderful birthday with many happy returns of the day! :)

  10. Thanks Daisy. I think we all enjoyed his birthday treat, to be honest. ;-)

  11. I read this blog entry right after you posted it, I thought I commented. What a feast! I am completely unfamiliar with curries and have no idea what Indian food tastes like. One day!

  12. Genie

    Hubby read that you've never eaten curry and said, "So SAD!" lol

    Having eaten Mexican/chili I'd say there are similarities, but obviously each country has it's favourite spices. Both use chili and cumin a lot, but Indian curries have Turmeric and ginger and more sweet bits to Malay curries, like fruit and coconut.

    You gotta try some one day. :-)



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