Sunday, 26 April 2009

Cherry Blossom Magic

The Flowering Cherry trees are in bloom here and this weekend I managed to get some photos to share. These were all taken in Elgin, Moray. A whole row of trees outside the hospital...

...and even closer!

More trees in town.

The flowerbed full of tulips behind the cherry trees. Aren't the colours amazing?

And finally - I couldn't resist this cheeky Spring Sparrow, who has a nest in the bush below this sign and was NOT going to be scared off by a silly human taking photos. ;-)



  1. Oh my God! They are goregeous. You're Spring is so much further ahead than ours. All we have are buds on the trees right now. At least I know it's coming. Fantastic pics. And yes, a cheeky Sparrow. That's a big Sparrow to me. I missed out on a great photo op last week end when a Hawk floated about 20 feet above my head. What an amazing wing span. I'm just glad he wasn't too hungry!

  2. pretty trees and pretty blossoms. i remember i was in washington dc once and saw the blossoming trees along the whatever river. very neat.

  3. Bogey
    They are gorgeous. My favourite memory is standing in the park in Edinburgh under these trees. I was eating strawberry ice-cream from a tub with cherry blossom petals falling around me... the same colour as the ice-cream. Pure magic. :-)

    That sounds beautiful too. I prefer flowering trees to flowers on shrubs. Somehow more impact on a tree. Like you say, very neat. :-)

  4. stunning!! Somehow I hadn't thought of Scotland in terms of cherry blossoms. What I love about the sparrow is its total disregard for human regulation... no badge... no wheelchair. Gutsy little thing ;)

  5. A riot of colours! well certainly brightened my day michelle :)

  6. That's beautiful, purple... It looks more interesting that the pink and white you see..

  7. Tint

    LOL I hadn't thought of that about the sparrow. Cheeky blighter! ;-)
    As a South African what I find fascinating is that here there are two kinds of sparrows. The "mossies" we grew up with in Southern Africa are house sparrows. This guy is a hedge sparrow. They are slightly different in head colour, but I can't really tell the difference, except one bunch nest in houses (the kind the 1820 settlers brought out to Africa) and the others nest in bushes etc.

  8. Hi Vasant

    These trees make me smile every time they flower too. :-)

    Hi Shan

    I haven't seen you in a while, or visited your blog. Hope you're doing well. It must be autumn in your part of the world now? :-)

  9. Beautiful. It would be lovely just to sit underneath them and have a picnic.

  10. LOVE the pics. ABSOLUTELY gorgeous. Over here no buds yet he he he...

  11. Pete
    I'd love one in my garden. I'd put a bench under it to sit and have tea with blossoms around. :-)

    You have a LONG winter, but at least you must have lots of sun by now? Our sun is setting at about 8:30pm. I love the long summer evenings. It makes up for the cold.

  12. I love pink. Especially pink in nature.

  13. Hi Orone

    Isn't it amazing how most colours look better in nature? Some greens look terrible together in paint or sewing, but put them on trees and... beautiful!

  14. Yeah...the sun is up a long time and soon it'll be non-stop 24 hours a day. I LOVE it, too, 'coz it kind of "substitutes" the totally dark month in December he he...

  15. So beautiful! I wish they would stay like that all year! :D

  16. I've been enjoying fresh cherries for about a week now. I LOVE cherries. I've yet to ever seen a cherry tree in person though, gasp, gorgeous!

  17. Genie

    From what I've noticed the less flashy white cherry blossom = edible cherries. These fancy coloured pink-purple trees seem more flowers, but not really much to show for fruit. Like those gorgeous fancy roses that have no perfume.

    But you can easily forgive a tree that is that darn beautiful. :-)



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