Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

I did start this early on this morning of the first of the month, but it was a busy day and so this has become a slightly belated rabbit good luck greeting! There are so many versions of what to say on the first of a month, and why, that I gave up and decided to simply link to the list of all the possible choices.

And the reason for this bunny-theme? Another photo of Bun Boy. This time indulging in a smorgas-bun-bord of leftover salad from our weekend eating. :-)


  1. HA! You won't believe this, but I took pictures of our yard bunny here this morning too. Might post one or two of them later. I guess it is bunny season! :D

  2. I can't wait to see the "Daisy buns" ;-)

  3. Tibbar Tibbar - a day or two late :)

    (If you forget to say it first thing, you must say it backwards :))

  4. LOL! Terry, you had me puzzled for a moment or two. I thought it was some kind of Harry Potter rabbit spell.

  5. You are good to your bunny, woman!



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