Saturday, 14 May 2011

Slow Weekend

It's going to be a slow weekend as I'm having problems with my hands and joints. The doctors have sent away blood tests to check my hyroid, but they mostly agree it's probably my fibromyalgia. I keep alternating numbness with painful burning pins-needles. I'm getting numb toes and tingly legs-feet, but it's mostly my arms and hands. So holding anything is hard, typing is slow and writing with a pen is impossible. It'll be long lazy days until this goes away!

Have a great weekend - I'm off to go rest and relax.


  1. Oh that's is so terrible. I understand the frustrations about being constricted to do the usual things because of some pains around the body. I might have a different illness it's called gouty arthritis but once I have finger joints and the joint connecting my big toes are really painful that sometimes i could not walk. It is indeed a distraction of the weekend.

    Hope you get well very soon. God Bless

  2. Been busy so I haven't been blog-hopping lately and just read this. SORRY to hear about your pain. :-((( Get plenty of rest and hope the pain goes awayyyyyy!!!!



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